Army seeking 'copter command post

The Army soon will release an RFP for an airborne command and control system

The Army intends to release a request for proposals March 26 for an airborne command and control system to be mounted on Black Hawk helicopters.

The service publicized its intent March 13 in a Commerce Business Daily announcement.

The Army Airborne Command and Control System (A2C2S) is described in the announcement as "a highly mobile tactical command post that enables the maneuver commander to maintain situational awareness and to exercise command and control while on the move."

It will host the Army Battle Command System and provide access to the Tactical Internet as well as situational awareness information, intelligence data and mission plans.

The system will consist of modification kits to be permanently installed in UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The A-kit will be installed into basic Black Hawks and will consist of such things as antennas and cables. The B-kit will be designed for the UH-60L and will include, among other things, an integrated suite of radios, five user stations and a multiprocessor unit.

The contractor also will be required to integrate the B-kits with the software for several command, control and communications systems, including the Maneuver Control System, the Global Command and Control System-Army, and the Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below.

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