DOD CIO to depart in April

Art Money, the Pentagon's chief information officer, has been asked by the White House transition team to vacate his office by April 13

Art Money, the Pentagon's chief information officer, has been asked by the White House transition team to vacate his office by April 13, according to Defense Department sources.

Money, a holdover from the Clinton administration, has been asked to leave as part of the new president's normal "housecleaning," according to one DOD source. The source said that although Money has been asked to leave by April 13, he will exit April 6.

Money wears two hats in the department: CIO and assistant secretary of Defense for command, control, communications and intelligence. He was sworn in as ASDC3I on Oct. 5, 1999, but actually has filled both positions since February 1998.

Money and his staff were asked earlier this year to stay on for a time while the Bush administration worked out its transition plan.

Money's departure follows the exit of Paul Brubaker, the DOD deputy CIO, who left earlier this month. Today, Brubaker starts his new job as president of e-government services at Commerce One Inc., an electronic marketplace solutions company. Money has not yet announced where he will go next.

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