Ashcroft eyes privacy chief

Attorney General John Ashcroft told privacy advocates that he will name an official to spearhead privacy issues.

Electronic Privacy Information Center

Amid concerns about how law enforcement officials use technology to monitor citizens, Attorney General John Ashcroft told privacy advocates that he will name an official to spearhead privacy issues.

Ashcroft made the pledge during a meeting with privacy advocates this month. Those who attended the meeting, which covered a range of issues, said the comment was made almost in passing. David Sobel, general counsel for the Washington, D.C.-based Electronic Privacy Information Center, noted that former Attorney General Janet Reno had staff members who specialized in pri-vacy issues. "Whether this is going to be something more, that's not clear," he said.

Another attendee said the comments stemmed from a request by the privacy advocates for regular meetings with Ashcroft and his staff.

"His response was that he was going to be having this privacy person within DOJ," the person said, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "He wasn't going to commit to us."

Justice officials did not return calls seeking comment.