IRS calls for e-tax nominees

The Electronic Tax Administration seeks nominations for advisory panel to support paperless filing

The Internal Revenue Service is calling for nominees to fill slots for its Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee, which serves as a public forum for electronic tax filing issues and builds support for paperless filing.

In a Federal Register notice published Monday, the IRS' Electronic Tax Administration announced that it is looking to professional and public interest groups, IRS officials, the Treasury Department and Congress to make nominations. Nominations must be received by May 23.

ETAAC helps the Electronic Tax Administration develop its paperless filing program by gauging the public's attitude toward electronic filing, commenting on ETA policies and offering suggestions for improvement.

ETAAC is composed of representatives from the tax preparation community, transmitters of electronic returns, tax software developers, payroll service providers, individual taxpayers, systems integrators, state and local governments and others. Each member serves two years.

For information on how to submit a nomination, see the Federal Register notice.

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