Pairing up on PaYS

The Army Partnership for Youth Success program matches new recruits usually just out of high school or college with a vendor who promises them a job

The Army Partnership for Youth Success program matches new recruits usually just out of high school or college with a vendor who promises them a job when their military service is finished. The recruits are paired with a company that a few years down the road will offer them a job that fits the specialty they intend to pursue in the Army. The recruit and the company sign a letter of intent when the recruit enlists, but neither is legally bound by the agreement.

Only certain jobs are eligible for the PaYS program. Nine companies currently participate in PaYS: Electronic Data Systems Corp., DynCorp, General Dynamics Corp., State Farm Insurance, Sears Logistics Services Inc., Rush Enterprises, Halliburton Co., The Pepsi Bottling Group Inc. and Deere & Co.