Army preps Web 'birthday gift'

A new Army home page due June 14 will feature better navigation and graphics

The Army intends to unveil a new Web page June 14, the service's 226th anniversary.

"The revised Army home page will be a birthday gift for the more than 1 million visitors who view the current Web site each month," Maj. Chris Conway, a staff member in the Army chief of staff's office, said in a written statement announcing the change.

The new Army home page will include improved navigation features — providing users with quicker access to information — and enhanced graphics, including animation.

It will provide a variety of services, including keeping members of the Army community around the world informed about the latest news, benefits and opportunities; encouraging potential recruits to join and current members to stay; and informing the public about the Army.

"The Army of the new millennium deserves to have a new official Web site," Conway said.

In addition to its home page at, other Army Web sites include an Army recruiting site ( and Army Knowledge Online (, a site available to all Army members, civilians and retirees featuring the latest Army news, knowledge centers, a lifetime e-mail account, a search engine and a chat room.

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