NSA acquisition reforms

Other acquisition reform measures established at the National Security Agency since August 2000 include:

Other acquisition reform measures established at the National Security Agency since August 2000 include:

* Adopting the Defense Department's recently reformed acquisition process.

* Mandating that 80 percent of this year's acquisitions be presented for competition.

* Mandating a "buy vs. make" policy, meaning that whenever possible, the agency will purchase available technology rather than spending time and money building its own.

* Creating an acquisition research center — a secure off-site facility where contractors can learn the details of upcoming business opportunities.

* Building a secure wide-area network for transmitting information to contractors. A contract award for the network is expected in July.

* Improving training for acquisition personnel and ensuring that they are properly certified.

* Establishing a center of excellence for reviewing contractor proposals and performance.

* Connecting acquisition experts with all project managers throughout the agency.

* Mandating a 95 percent government credit card usage rate for micro-purchases.