CIO Council launches mentoring program

The CIO Council launched its governmentwide mentoring program and posted assignment opportunities

The CIO Council formally launched its governmentwide mentoring program Aug.22 and detailed a host of short- and long-term assignments available toinformation technology professionals.

Through the program, mentors receive help on special projects and playa role in the career development of their proteges. The proteges get a chanceto work on challenging projects, work with IT leaders and broaden theirperspective.

Posted on the council's Web site ( are descriptionsof a variety of mentoring assignments that last from several months to ayear. Many of the jobs are with the council's Information Technology WorkforceCommittee. Among the jobs posted:

    * Work on developing a Web-based career-planning tool for federal ITworkers.

    * Implement the CIO Council's mentoring program and serve as a pointof contact for the program.

    * Support efforts to publicize the National Academy of Public AdministrationIT pay study.

    * Implement the CIO Council's High School Outreach (HOT-IT) program.

    * Work on developing a governmentwide virtual knowledge management toolkit.

    * Work on e-government projects, including crossagency portals.

During the first year of the mentoring program, the leaders of the council'sfive committees will serve as mentors to proteges from agencies across government.The program offers assignments primarily to mid-level IT professionals,but all grades are welcome to apply.

Mentoring, according to the council's mentoring handbook, can be an"effective tool in bridging the knowledge and experience gap between new hires and veterans of the IT workforce."

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