Bush forming panel of science, technology advisers

President Bush yesterday signed an executive order creating the latest incarnation of the President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology, a group made up almost entirely of private industry and academic advisers.

President Bush yesterday signed an executive order creating the latest incarnation of the President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology, a group made up almost entirely of private industry and academic advisers. The order calls for the group to have a maximum of 25 members to be named by Bush. One will be a federal official who will serve as co-chairman. The president will select the other members, including the other co-chairman, from industry, academia and research institutions.Council members won’t be paid, although the Office of Science and Technology Policy will cover travel and other expenses for the council. The executive order gives the council a two-year life span.The council, under the PCAST name, was initially formed by President George H.W. Bush in 1990, but it continues a tradition of science and technology advisory panels that dates back to President Eisenhower. The latest council had 18 members.

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