SEC launches Spanish site

The Securities and Exchange Commission has launched a Spanish-language section of its Web site

In an effort to reach out to America's fastest growing demographic group, the Securities and Exchange Commission last week launched a Spanish-language section of its Web site.

The new section describes the role of the SEC and how it protects investors. It includes Spanish translations of the commission's most popular brochures on investing wisely and avoiding fraud. The site also links to Spanish language investor education resources offered by other government agencies and industry organizations. Investors can access the Spanish language information by visiting the SEC's Web site at and then clicking on "Informacion en Espanol."

The SEC also has updated the information available at its toll-free number — (800) 732-0330 — to provide information for Spanish-speaking Americans who lack Internet access. The commission also established an e-mail address for Spanish-speaking investors who have questions or complaints about the securities industry. Investors who send e-mails in Spanish to will receive a response in Spanish from the SEC, which will have the help of a translation service.

"As the Hispanic population in the United States continues to grow, the commission and its staff believe that it is important to respond with additional Spanish language resources," SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt said in a release. "Our agency wants to help preclude language barriers from separating investors from reliable information about saving and investing wisely."