Army HQ changes affect IT

Network Enterprise Technology Command will provide management for the Army's IT and networks

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Army Secretary Thomas White announced details of the Army headquarters' reorganization plans, including measures that will affect the management of information technology systems.

Speaking at a Pentagon press conference Dec. 18, White said the chief information officer's office would establish the Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) to provide management for the Army's information technology and networks.

NETCOM will be made up of personnel from the Army Signal Command and other organizations and functions yet to be determined, White said, adding that it will give the Army better control over its vast infrastructure.

NETCOM will establish regional CIO offices that will coordinate with centralized installation management to oversee command, control, communications and computers (C4) for each region.

This realignment parallels the recent assignment of C4 and IT funding oversight to the CIO Advisory Board [see "Army HQ changes affect IT buys"].

White also announced that the Army's deputy chief of staff for logistics will become the G-4 and will give advice on sustainability to the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology. The G-4 is charged with streamlining the organization and reconfiguring the Logistics Integration Agency.

All of the Army headquarters' reorganization initiatives are planned for completion by September 2002, White said.