CSC extends missile defense support

Missile Defense Agency extends contract for scientific, engineering and technical assistance

The Missile Defense Agency this week announced that it has extended a contract with Computer Sciences Corp. for continued scientific, engineering and technical assistance at the agency's headquarters in Arlington, Va.

As part of the 14-month contract extension — which adds $59 million to a previous 14-month, $30 million agreement — CSC will provide day-to-day systems engineering, acquisition, technology, multimedia and administrative support to MDA in the development, testing and acquisition of the ballistic missile defense system, said Aaron Fuller, vice president and general manager of CSC's Navy/Marine Corps and missile defense business unit.

The CSC team of 22 subcontractors includes Science Applications International Corp., Coleman Research Corp., the National Institute for Public Policy and Paradigm Technologies Inc., Fuller said.

MDA, which was known as the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization until given agency status by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld this month, has four basic missions:

* To defend the United States, deployed forces and allies from ballistic missile attack.

* To employ a system that layers defenses to intercept missiles in all phases of their flight against all ranges of threats.

* To enable the military services to field elements of the overall ballistic missile defense system as soon as practicable.

* To develop and test technologies to provide early capability and improve the effectiveness of deployed capability by inserting new technologies as they become available or when threats warrant an accelerated capability.