CIO Council releases knowledge management primer

The CIO Council’s knowledge management working group yesterday released a CD-ROM with information about best practices and other data to further feds’ use of knowledge management.

The CIO Council’s knowledge management working group yesterday released a CD-ROM with information about best practices and other data to further feds’ use of knowledge management.The CD, produced under the direction of Jill Garcia, a KM official in the Navy’s chief information office, provides an overview of how agencies use knowledge management and describes initiatives and success stories.“The federal government is becoming more acutely aware of the role that knowledge plays in transforming government,” said Debra Stouffer, co-chairwoman of the CIO Council’s best practices committee, under which the KM working group operates. “Ultimately, the discipline of knowledge management will serve as a catalyst for a more efficient digital government.”The CD includes a glossary of terms and resources such as Web links, books, presentations, guidance and reports, white papers and articles.Giora Hadar, chief knowledge officer at the Federal Aviation Administration, and Nat Heiner, chief knowledge officer of the Coast Guard, co-chair the KM working group, which includes 30 federal organizations.To get a copy of the CD, contact Evan Weisel of O’Keefe & Company Inc. at 703-883-9000, ext. 106 or e-mail .

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