Watch out Amazon, here comes MMS

The Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service today unveiled an online ordering system that lets users research oil well and gas well data online and buy the data on CD-ROM.

The Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service today unveiled an online ordering system that lets users research oil well and gas well data online and buy the data on CD-ROM.The system lets users check about 170,000 well logs containing geologic data from 1995 and before. The public can visit the service’s site, at , to identify information about individual wells by various criteria, including geographic location and well name.Users then can add well logs to a shopping cart and order them. MMS charges $15 via credit card to create and ship a CD-ROM of the downloaded data. Previously, well data researchers had to visit MMS’ public information office in New Orleans to make paper copies of well logs. The service will not offer paper copies of online well logs after August.

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