Navy funds new round of e-biz

One system being piloted would enable seamless communication of medical data between the VA and DOD

A system that would enable seamless communication of medical information between the departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense using a single, graphical interface at the point of care is one of eight pilot projects recently selected for funding by the Navy Department's eBusiness Operations Office.

The eight projects selected in this round bring their total number to 21 for fiscal 2002, said Karen Gadbois, director of the pilot project management group for the eBusiness Office.

The pilot projects are selected based upon certain criteria, such as being able to be completed within 120 days, costing less than $1 million, and having broader potential beyond their pilot application, Gadbois said Aug. 5.

The DOD-VA integration pilot project will be conducted at the Navy Medical Center in San Diego.

Also selected in the third round of fiscal 2002 e-business pilot projects were:

* Multimedia Job Performance Aids for Navy and Marine Corps Aviation Maintenance, for the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division, Orlando, Fla. This project will use multimedia technology to capture the knowledge of maintenance experts and make that information available via existing naval aviation Web portals accessible directly by the fleet.

* Prior Service Recruiting Enterprise Application Portal, for the Marine Corps Reserve Support Command, New Orleans. This project will integrate applications into a unified portal interface to enable prospect relationship management, logistics services, and personnel management and administration.

* Navair Research and Engineering Knowledge Preservation Program, for Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md. This project uses a video asset management system to manage video content taken of the expert workforce.

* The Integrated Data Environment, Business Intelligence and Portal Content, for Naval Supply Systems Command. This a middleware solution will provide the ability to develop and deploy a virtual integrated data environment/virtual data warehouse from legacy systems databases.

* The H-1 Depot Supply Chain Support Tool, for Navair. This project will demonstrate that supply chain management information can be linked from legacy Army and Navy systems to support both of these supply chain business processes.

* Navy Ship Product Data Exchange, for Navsea Carderock Division. This project will test and evaluate the suitability of XML standards and technology for electronic transfer of large-scale ship product model data.

* Electronic Planned Maintenance System, also for Navsea. This project will make planned maintenance system documents accessible via a Web-enabled format.

Applications for pilot project are taken continuously, Gadbois said. The application is available on the Navy's eBusiness Operations Office Web site at

Department of Navy eBusiness Operations Office