Versar wins Navy integration work

The Navy has awarded the company a $6.5 million contract for systems integration

Versar Inc. announced Dec. 12 that the Navy has awarded the company a $6.5 million, five-year contract for systems integration work.

The initial work under the contract will support the integration of network-centric data management systems at military test and training ranges in the United States using Versar's Next Generation Management Information System.

The work will integrate current range data on training, operations, research and development, readiness, budgeting, and environmental planning for the development and use of future strategic operational Navy and Air Force range requirements.

Versar's approach provides the Navy with the ability to network several of data sources in real time, across various platforms, locations and systems.

"The award of this contract marks one of the first major [information technology] initiatives in the defense sector for Versar," Theodore Prociv, president and chief executive officer of Springfield, Va.-based Versar, said in a statement. "I foresee continued growth for defense projects as we implement our strategic vision for Versar."

Last month, the company was awarded a $4.3 million technical support contract for peer review services for the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Science and Technology within the Office of Water.