NOSC moving to Fort Belvoir

Army Network Operations and Security Center will move from Arizona to Virginia, CIO says

The Army's Network Operations and Security Center (NOSC) is heading east and soon will be located at Fort Belvoir, Va., according to the service's chief information officer.

The Army's NOSC, which is responsible for the service's cybersecurity planning and guidance, is located alongside the Network Enterprise Technology Command (Netcom) at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. The center is moving east to be located with the Army Computer Emergency Response Team at Fort Belvoir, said Lt. Gen. Peter Cuviello, Army CIO.

Netcom began operations in October 2002 to manage the Army's information technology and networks enterprisewide, and Cuviello said the new command is making great progress in its management and planning roles. However, NOSC is being moved to make it easier for the Army's two main offices dedicated to cybersecurity issues to collaborate on servicewide objectives and goals.

"Virtual is the name of the game, but there are some things you can't do virtually," Cuviello said during a Jan. 23 speech at a network-centric warfare conference in Arlington, Va. "Theater-level architecture for security is a technical challenge."

NOSC's cross-country move should be completed by June, he said.