CSC wins Land Warrior contract

Development of the Land Warrior program is an important step in the Army's transformation

Even as the Army is fighting battles abroad, development of the Land Warrior program — an important step in the Army's transformation — continues unabated.

Computer Sciences Corp. announced today that it had received a $7.2 million contract to continue development of software for the Land Warrior. California-based CSC is a subcontractor to General Dynamics Corp., the lead contractor on the program.

The new contract calls for CSC to develop application software and interactive electronic technical manuals, as well as provide systems security development and tactical Army systems engineering. Under a contract option, CSC may also support the manufacture of both the first- and second-generation systems once the government has completed its testing.

"The Land Warrior system provides our soldiers with key technology to enhance mobility, survivability and mission success," said Terry Glasgow, vice president and general manager of CSC's Army programs. "We are proud to continue our work on a leading-edge program that provides soldiers with enhanced capabilities."

Land Warrior features a 12.5-pound wearable ensemble of equipment and software. The ensemble includes elements of wireless communications, weapon-mounted sensors, Global Positioning System-based navigation and computers that integrate soldiers into a networked fighting team.

The current generation of the Land Warrior system is expected to be operational following testing later this year. The system's next generation integrates Land Warrior with the Army's eight-wheeled, 19-ton armored Stryker vehicles, enabling soldiers to pass information throughout a combat area.

The agreement, worth $7.2 million over four years, adds to the $71 million that CSC has won collectively since the program began three years ago. The entire Army contract to General Dynamics Decision Systems has an estimated value of $791 million, if all options are exercised.

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