Kellogg plans retirement from military

But director of C4 for Joint Chiefs of Staff will be staying in the defense IT business

Lt. Gen. Joseph Kellogg, director of command, control, communications and computers for the Joint Chiefs of Staff will be leaving the military this summer, but said he will be staying in the defense information technology business.

"I'll be changing career patterns," not retiring, Kellogg told FCW in an interview following a panel discussion today at AFCEA International's conference in Washington, D.C.

"I want to stay in this business, probably in the private sector," he said. "What I love about it is you're always on your game and it changes so fast. You have to be flexible, have mental agility...and it's fun."

Kellogg assumed his current position almost three years ago and has been in the Army since 1967. He said an exact date for his military retirement has not been set, but it will be by "mid-summer."

During his remaining time on the Joint Staff, Kellogg said he plans to continue focusing on three top priorities:

* Winning the global war on terrorism.

* The transformation of the force.

* Increasing the force's joint warfighting capabilities through joint command and control.

"We need to keep the momentum moving forward, and [Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Air Force Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] are the right people to do that," he said.

NEXT STORY: Logistics work in Iraq yet to peak