Marine Corps CIO picks SRA for services

SRA International will provide IT services and solutions under a task order worth up to $115 million

The office of the Marine Corps chief information officer has selected SRA International Inc. to provide information technology services and solutions under a task order worth up to $115 million.

SRA will provide the Marine Corps Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4) CIO Directorate with a wide range of services:

* Program management

* Communications architecture analysis and planning

* Information assurance

* Public-key infrastructure

* Workforce planning for information management services

* Knowledge management

* IT capital planning and investment support

* Satellite system planning and support

* Acquisition of hardware and software

The General Services Administration's Federal Systems Integration and Management Center awarded the task April 17 under the Millennia contract. Work will begin this month, according to an SRA spokeswoman.

SRA's team members include Anteon International Corp., Computing Technologies Inc. and Vredenburg. The task order has a potential value of $115 million over seven years if all options are exercised.