OPM weighs options on Recruitment One-Stop project

The Office of Personnel Management has said it will decide by July 21 whether to recompete the contract for its Recruitment One-Stop project.<br>

The Office of Personnel Management has said it will decide by July 21 whether to recompete the contract for its Recruitment One-Stop Quicksilver project. The General Accounting Office in April ruled the agency erred in awarding the contract to TMP Worldwide Government Services of New York and recommended another competition. Dan Gordon, GAO’s managing associate general counsel, said OPM last month set the date for making a decision. GAO requires agencies to respond 60 days after a ruling. OPM’s countdown began after GAO ruled against the agency in its bid for reconsideration in May.“It is very unusual for agencies not to implement recommendations,” Gordon said. “There is nothing unusual about OPM taking its time to tell us whether it will follow our recommendations.”If OPM decides not to adhere to GAO’s suggestions, Gordon said, GAO is required under the Competition in Contracting Act to inform the House Government Reform and Appropriations committees and the Senate Governmental Affairs and Appropriations committees of OPM’s determination.OPM refused comment on the status of the project, citing a pending legal matter, according to a spokesman.Symplicity Corp. of Arlington, Va., a losing bidder for the Recruitment One-Stop contract, protested the award.GAO ruled that OPM should re-evaluate all bids to determine whether the proposed services are within the scope of the winning company’s schedule contract. GAO also recommended that OPM reopen discussions with all bidders in the competitive range and re-evaluate their revised offers.OPM in January awarded a five-year contract to TMP, the company that runs Monster.com. OPM could extend the contract to 2013 through option years, officials said. The potential value of the contract is $62 million over 10 years.

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