USDA to use project software

Metier's WorkLenz to help Agriculture Department analyze and predict project performance

The Agriculture Department plans to install software to analyze work performance and improve project management.

Agency officials chose Metier Ltd.'s WorkLenz software for capital planning and investment control. The first phase of the software will be implemented in the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

WorkLenz statistically analyzes and predicts work performance, said Jennifer Smith, director of marketing for Washington, D.C.-based Metier. That gives the department a view of trends and possible trouble areas, allowing officials to stop problems before they happen, she said.

"They have initiatives to improve their project performance and improve their processes," Smith said. WorkLenz "is being used to model and manage their projects and programs from a portfolio standpoint."

She said there's no estimate of the software's total cost or value, because it will be rolled out in phases. Other agencies and offices in the department will have the option of using the software after it's installed in the CIO's office.

The Web-based software is also used for value management, risk assessment and mitigation, integrated cost, schedule, and performance.