Labor board redesigns Web site

The National Labor Relations Board's new online look has gone live.

New NLRB site

The National Labor Relations Board has redesigned its Web site at to make it easier for the public to find information and interact with the agency. The new site went live earlier this month.

The NLRB first went online in April of 1997. At that time, according to agency officials, the site consisted primarily of static pages of information. Since its original launch, the site has grown from roughly 100,000 hits a month to over 1.5 million.

NLRB Chairman Robert Battista and General Counsel Arthur Rosenfeld said that the redesigned site takes advantage of advances in Web technology. The agency designed the new site for easier navigation. The site is built on a Microsoft Corp. Windows 2000 server.

The site uses Active Server Pages (.asp) files, which allows the agency to provide dynamic content, officials said. Board officials are inviting the public to provide online feedback on the new design.

AT&T Government Solutions assisted in the design and is the site's host, NLRB officials added.

The site includes a faster search engine, and search options that allow users to broaden or narrow an inquiry as needed. It also includes sections devoted to workplace rights, NLRB documents, electronic government and news.