Quagliotti officially takes no. 2 job at DISA

Army Maj. Gen. Marilyn Quagliotti replaces Army Maj. Gen. David Bryan.

HONOLULU — The Defense Information Systems Agency's former second-in-command for operations has officially been named the organization's No. 2 overall.

Army Maj. Gen. Marilyn Quagliotti Nov. 1 formally became DISA's vice director, taking the place of Army Maj. Gen. David Bryan. Quagliotti was the agency's deputy director for operations.

Defense officials in August announced that Quagliotti would replace Bryan, but the specific timing of the move was not determined until recently.

Bryan had been DISA's vice director and commander of the Joint Task Force, but he will soon leave that latter job as well, to return to a position within the Army.

"At some point in time, a change of command [for the Joint Task Force] will take place, and at the same time, I'm transitioning over to the Army staff," Bryan said, speaking here at the AFCEA Hawaii TechNet Asia-Pacific conference. "We're re-equipping and reorganizing in the Army to accommodate a net-centric future and we're going to do it right now."

Quagliotti, a graduate of Louisiana State University and the National War College, entered the Army in 1975. Her previous assignments include: commander of the 5th Signal Command; and deputy chief of staff for the U.S. Army Europe and Seventh Army, Mannheim, Germany; and vice director for command, control, communications and computer systems for the Joint Staff, Washington, D.C.

Bryan said that the Joint Task Force Computer Network Operations (JTF-CNO) soon will become the Joint Task Force Global Network Operations (GNO).

"Under the GNO, concept management and defensive networks are integrated into the same organization," he said. "This is a marriage of the directorate of operations at DISA and the JTF-CNO into a single organization."

Once approval of that move is given, DISA's director, Air Force Lt. Gen. Harry Raduege, will take direct control of JTF.

"JTF is a [Strategic Command] organization, so when we move from JTF-CNO to GNO, we expand the mission to include management of networks as well as defending the networks," Bryan said. "So the right representation of rank for that much broadened global responsibility, instead of the vice director — a two-star — being the commander, the director of DISA (a three-star general) will be the commander, so he'll wear a [Strategic Command] hat as well."

NEXT STORY: GSA exec to be procurement nominee