Graham rolls out electronic voting bill

The senator from Florida wants touch screen voting machines to produce paper records.

Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.) has introduced a bill to require the makers of touch screen voting machines to produce voter-verified paper receipts and to take other measures intended to prevent election fraud.

Graham's bill mirrors a measure that Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.) introduced in the House earlier this year.

Both bills are in response to growing concerns that the electronic voting machines could be compromised and their results falsified. With no paper record to use in a recount or audit, critics of the machines argue, there will be no way to show if the votes are being electronically recorded accurately.

However, some groups, including the League of Women's Voters, oppose the paper ballots, which also could be falsified, they argue.

Graham's bill has not yet attracted Senate cosponsors. Holt's bill, introduced in May, has 94 cosponsors, including Rep. Thomas Davis (R-Va.), chairman of the Government Reform Committee.