Ohio creates CIO post

Greg Jackson was named state Chief Information Officer to oversee Ohio's new Office of Information Technology.

Ohio Department of Administrative Services

Earlier this month Ohio Governor Bob Taft officially created the position of State chief information officer to oversee the new Office of Information Technology, and named Greg Jackson to the job.

Jackson, who is the state's assistant director for the Department of Administrative Services, has effectively been the state CIO since he joined the administration in 2000. The new position is a cabinet-level appointment, even though the IT Office will be housed under Administrative Services instead of being a separate agency.

The new office will pull together IT investment and initiatives across the state's agencies.

"We are always looking for ways to increase efficiencies in state spending and improve service delivery, and a unified information technology strategy will help us meet this goal," Taft said in a statement.

In addition to his position within the Ohio government, Jackson is liaison to the federal CIO Council from the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO). Before joining government, he was a senior consultant with IBM Corp.'s Global Government Consulting Group, deputy director of management information systems with the Ohio Department of Taxation, and worked in the private sector with Kaiser Permanente Health Plan and The Hoover Company.

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