DISA ponders more GIG storage

DISA asked vendors for advice on adding storage to support a high-speed fiber channel for the Global Information Grid

The Defense Information Systems Agency may want to add a greater storage capability to the military's worldwide network of voice, video and data systems.

DISA officials on March 16 asked vendors for advice on adding an advanced storage-area network, network attached storage, direct access storage, products and storage architectures to support a high-speed fiber channel for the Global Information Grid, said a government contracting statement.

"The government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this request for information or to otherwise pay for information received in response to this RFI," the statement said. "This RFI is issued for information and planning purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation."

Industry must submit ideas by April 16 to Linda Goff, contract specialist. Her e-mail address is: goffl@disa.mil.