Unisys finishes Web-based FDA system

Unisys created a Web-based notification system meant to improve the process of approving new medicines for animals.

Unisys Corp. officials created a Web-based notification system meant to improve the process of approving new medicines for animals.

The system, built for the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine, manages user fees, which drug developers pay to have their applications for approval reviewed. It integrates and automates the process that drug developers use to inform the agency of plans to submit an application, and to pay the fee.

The Animal Drug User Fee Act of 2003 established the fees. The new system is part of the FDA's strategic initiative to modernize its financial systems, according to Unisys officials.

The company received about $600,000 for the project, which is part of a larger contract, said Lisa Meyer, a Unisys spokeswoman.

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