Enterprise architecture settles on Touchstone

Touchstone's team will become the sole industry source for OMB's e-gov and enterprise architecture offices.

The Touchstone Consulting Group and its subcontractors will become the sole industry sources for the e-government and federal enterprise architecture program offices within the Office of Management and Budget.

OMB's contract with the current architecture support prime contractor, Advanced Performance Consulting Group (APCG), will expire without renewal Dec. 28. Touchstone officials are already doing some architecture work as an APCG subcontractor.

Touchstone, Blueprint Technologies and Unisys began providing e-government back-office support when they were awarded a contract Sept. 30 potentially worth $6.7 million. Among the contract's options was the addition of enterprise architecture work.

A government review during the first quarter of fiscal 2005 determined that consolidating vendor support for both OMB offices would provide new opportunities, according to a General Services Administration official. GSA administers OMB's information technology program office contracts.

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