Score card: Four more greens

But a few agencies did decrease in OMB's quarterly management rankings.

OMB scorecards

The latest quarterly Office of Management and Budget traffic light scorecard shows improved performance from federal agencies in the five initiatives of the President's Management Agenda (PMA).

The number of green scores in the current status column grew by four from last quarter, to 39 total. Green is the best rating agencies can receive, with yellow signifying an agency has achieved some but not all of the PMA objectives and red indicating serious flaws.

In the score card, Office of Management and Budget officials evaluate agency status and progress in five areas: workforce management, competitive sourcing, financial performance, e-government and budget and performance integration.

Four departments did decrease in the rankings, however. The Defense Department moved from green to yellow in competitive sourcing, "because it wasn't announcing competitive sourcing competitions as planned," states a letter from Clay Johnson, the OMB deputy director for management.

Due to information technology security concerns, the Veterans Affairs Department and the Small Business Administration also were each downgraded

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