Air Force names IT office

Officials support new headquarters as the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force for Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer.

Air Force officials will likely call the service's new information technology headquarters the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force for Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer.

"We're excited about this," said Air Force Brig. Gen. Brad Butler, the service's deputy CIO. He spoke Feb. 25 at the 18th Annual Federal Networks Conference held by officials at Suss Consulting, an IT consulting firm.

Butler emphasized during an interview after his speech that the name must get congressional approval. However, he said he expects that to occur soon and for Air Force officials to make the announcement in upcoming weeks. The new office should go by the acronym SAF/XC.

Officials have not announced a leader for new office yet. Lt. Gen. Tom Hobbins, the service's deputy chief of staff for warfighting integration, has previously said that he would want the job.

In December, Air Force officials announced they would create the new IT headquarters by consolidating the offices of Communications Operations, the Chief Information Officer and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Warfighting Integration. They said the consolidation will ensure the service's current and future IT projects get timely integrated into its combat operations.

In the announcement, Air Force officials said that a three-star general would oversee the new office supported by a civilian from the government's senior executive service.

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