DOD to detail personnel system

Officials will talk about the National Security Personnel System today.

A new era for Defense Department civilian employees will be kicked off today when top DOD and Office of Personnel Management officials announce details of the National Security Personnel System at a press briefing scheduled in the Pentagon at 4 p.m. Eastern today.

Pentagon officials said Navy Secretary Gordon England, the senior executive in charge of NSPS, and Dan Blair, acting director of the Office of Personnel Management will both discuss the new NSPS regulation, due for imminent publication in the Federal Register, at the press briefing. The DOD budget proposal released this week includes coverage for 300,000 civilian employees by NSPS by July.

NSPS will replace the existing 15 grades in the current General Schedule pay grade system with a simplified personnel management system "that will improve the way we hire and assign, as well as compensate and reward, our employees," said Mary Lacey, program executive officer for NSPS, last month.

The Department of Homeland Security also plans to dispense with the 15 grade General Schedule for its 110,000 employees with a similar personnel system. Regulations detailing operations of a new Homeland Security Department personnel system will be issued in the next several weeks, DHS Secretary Tom Ridge told Congress on Feb. 9.