Lockheed announces Army portal team

Officials at Lockheed Martin announced today that they will lead an industry team to pursue the Army's multimillion-dollar Army Knowledge Online (AKO) Enterprise Services program contract.

The company's team members include Computer Sciences Corp., Internosis, Roundarch and Science Applications International Corp.

"Our team will help the Army transform AKO into much more than a portal," said Dave Westley, Lockheed Martin's AKO program manager, in a Feb. 9 company statement. "We'll apply our integration and commercial information technology expertise to integrate systems from the back office to the front lines, creating a reliable, secure, innovative infrastructure for this mission-critical system."

Lockheed Martin officials said they divided program responsibilities between the companies. They include:

Lockheed Martin: Program management, IT strategy and application integration.

CSC: Infrastructure operations, maintenance and enhancements.

Internosis: Enterprise messaging and directory services.

Roundarch: Portal, content management and integration solutions design and implementation.

SAIC: Legacy applications and future knowledge management architecture integration.

Army contracting officials released the AKO Enterprise Services solicitation Jan. 25. They plan to award the one-year contract with six option years worth $602 million this summer.

AKO subscribes 1.7 million people today compared with 61,000 four years ago. Army officials want a company to manage that growth and complete technology updates to the Web portal.