iGov gets Air Force business

Air Force officials spent more than $3 million to buy 2,400 IBM ThinkPad notebook computers from iGov during the second quarter of fiscal 2005.

Air Force officials spent more than $3 million to buy 2,400 IBM ThinkPad notebook computers from iGov during the second quarter of fiscal 2005 as part of the service's quarterly PC buy program.

The quarterly-buy program comes under the service's Information Technology Commodity Council new strategy that addresses purchasing and maintaining hardware, software and services as an enterprise. Service officials awarded blanket-purchase-agreement contracts in December to seven companies, four large businesses and three small ones, to supply desktop, notebook and server computers under the initiative.

"iGov's ongoing philosophy to offer 'best-in-class’ products and services enables us to participate in the Air Force's effort to standardize its information technology infrastructure," said Robert McCann, vice president of sales for iGov, in a statement.

The company also received business from the service's PC buy for the first quarter of 2005.