SAIC, Blue Agave target logistics

The new offerings are aimed at federal officials who need real-time performance management capabilities, company officials said.

Officials at Blue Agave Software and Science Applications International Corp. have formed a joint marketing agreement under which they will offer a set of business activity monitoring solutions.

The new offerings are aimed at federal officials who need real-time performance management capabilities, company officials said. The combined offerings can address weaknesses in operations, logistics and business intelligence.

"Many government agencies face the daunting task of transforming huge amounts of data into actionable information in very short cycles," said Anthony Rahner, program manager of SAIC's Integrated Systems Division, in a written statement. "Blue Agave's solution set enables us to configure and deploy real-time, decision-support applications that address the proprietary requirements of government agencies."

The two companies have a pilot test of their Active Performance Management system under way at the Defense Department. Military officials are using it to identify delayed cargo shipments. To accomplish this, the solution draws data from four DOD logistics systems in real time, spots the delayed shipments and provides recommendations for getting the cargo to its destination. Officials in the Transportation Command's Air Mobility Command and at the Defense Logistics Agency are using the Web-based solution, SAIC officials said.

"We're helping to improve the reliability of one of the government’s most important end-to-end logistics chains," said Jim Morganstern, vice president of business development at Blue Agave. "Leveraging SAIC's domain experience in government, we are able to apply our technologies to help the Department of Defense provide better support to the warfighter by ensuring uninterrupted movement of critical supplies through the supply chain."