ACT announces awards

Eight winners chosen at the Management of Change conference.

PHILADELPHIA -- Eight winners of the American Council for Technology's Intergovernmental Solutions Awards were chosen today at the annual Management of Change conference.

Four federal programs and four state and local programs were selected as winners, based on demonstrating collaboration and the innovative use of technology.

The federal winners are:

• The Defense Manpower Data Center’s Defense Biometric Identification System;

• The Office of Personnel Management’s e-Training initiative;

• OPM's Recruitment One-Stop/USAJOBS initiative;

• The National Virtual Pointer System, a multiagency effort of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Missouri Statewide Police Intelligence Network; National Drug Pointer Index; National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System; and Regional Information Sharing Systems.

The state and local winners are:

• Arlington County, Va., Public Safety Mobile Data Communication System,

• Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency’s Incident Reporting System,

• WorkSource Oregon Employment Department's iMatch Skills,

• The Michigan Department of Information Technology’s Public Safety Communication System.

The council also awarded outgoing Air Force Chief Information Officer John Gilligan the 2005 John J. Franke Award. The award is given each year in memory of Franke, an assistant secretary for management in the Department of Agriculture under President Reagan and later the first director of the Federal Quality Institute.

The council also announced its new board members, each of whom will serve a two-year term.

• President: Barry West, chief information officer, Federal Emergency Management Agency,

• Executive vice president: Martha Dorris, director, Office of Intergovernmental Solutions, General Services Administration,

• Vice president, eastern region: Randall Witty, assistant regional administrator of GSA's Federal Technology Service,

• Vice president, Washington, D.C., region: David Zeppieri, CIO, Information Resources Management Division, Justice Department,

• Vice president, central region: Bob Haycock, CIO of the Interior Department’s National Business Center,

• Vice president, western region: Sherrie Householder, director, Enterprise GWAC Center, GSA,

• Vice president, cross council coordination: Ed Meagher, deputy CIO, Department of Veterans Affairs,

• Vice president, marketing and communications: Scott Hastings, CIO, US-VISIT Program Office,

• Vice president, professional development: Michael Carleton, GSA's CIO

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