GSA hires new general counsel

Alan Robert Swendiman has been named associate administrator of the Office of General Counsel and will lead GSA's legal department.

The General Services Administration has appointed Alan Robert Swendiman as associate administrator of the Office of General Counsel. Swendiman most recently served as a principal attorney at Jackson and Campbell in Washington, D.C., handling a broad range of commercial clients.

"GSA is fortunate to have someone of Alan's stature as its chief legal officer," said GSA Administrator Stephen Perry in a written statement. "His stellar background makes him an ideal choice to head GSA's legal team."

Swendiman's appointment is not connected to the ongoing GSA reorganization, said spokeswoman Mary Alice Johnson. The office had been vacant and the duties performed by an acting general counsel.

Taking over the position, Swendiman will assume daily management of GSA’s legal department and oversee the agency’s legal affairs.