OPM renames online learning portal

The governmentwide portal for online learning will now be known as USALearning.gov.

GoLearn.gov is no more. Actually, the governmentwide portal for online learning still exists, but it just has a new name.The Office of Personnel Management announced it has changed GoLearn to , in order to “align with other OPM E-Government initiatives, and elevate the site to that of a portal environment showcasing learning opportunities across the federal government.”Previous news reports said OPM had some concerns that GoLearn too closely resembled one of its 63 contractors, GeoLearning.com.The site, which awarded a to offer a host of new services earlier this month, is one of the Office of Management and Budget’s 25 E-Government projects, and one of five OPM manages.It has more than 44,000 users from 71 agencies, and federal employees still can use their same username and password to access the courses.In addition to the name change, USALearning.gov plans to enhance its course catalog, add an analytics server for data collection and aggregated reporting for agency-focused and governmentwide reports.