DISA seeks collaboration IT

Vendors asked to provide ideas under the $800 million Net-Centric Enterprise Services program.

“NCES Collaboration RFI and Draft SOO”

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The Defense Information Systems Agency sought ideas from vendors Sept. 30 on procuring collaboration information technologies for use militarywide under the agency’s $800 million Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) program.

DISA wants vendors to submit information in no more than 15 pages on their collaboration ideas and technologies by noon Oct. 14. The agency will use the comments to plan an acquisition, according to an announcement on the Federal Business Opportunities’ Web site.

“It is the government’s intent to award to more than one vendor and procure existing commercial services with proven history utilizing an incentive structure that fosters the most competitive environment for meeting user requirements and expectations, and maintaining the DOD at the forefront of commercial product upgrades and innovations,” according to the announcement.

DISA will hold an industry day on collaboration IT Oct. 24 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the agency’s offices on Skyline Drive in Arlington, Va. Companies can send as many as four employees to attend.

Collaboration technologies help people work together when away from one another. They are one of nine services identified in NCES, a multiyear program to create a militarywide IT communications infrastructure to allow warfighters and analysts to more quickly and easily access U.S. military and intelligence networks by customizing searches and sharing data.

Air Force Lt. Gen. Charles Croom, the agency’s new director, said in August that NCES “is the only transformational program DISA has.” Croom also said the nine technologies in NCES need better explanations and the program may require more than nine.