DOD signs Symantec enterprise deal

The company’s products and services are now available at reduced prices.

Symantec’s products and services are now available at reduced prices to the military and the Coast Guard under the Defense Department’s Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI).

The Air Force’s Headquarters Operations and Sustainment Systems Group announced today it established an enterprise software agreement with immixGroup for Symantec’s products and services. The service’s information technology organization worked the five-year, $182 million deal on behalf of the DOD ESI, according to an Air Force statement.

DOD services and agencies, intelligence agencies, authorized defense contractors, and the Coast Guard can now receive substantial discounts off General Services Administration’s schedule contract prices for Symantec’s 6,000 products and services. Symantec products including hardware, software licenses and maintenance, and training and services.

Defense agencies can also get reduced prices for bulk purchases of Symantec's software licenses and software licenses bundled with maintenance and enterprise software license agreements, according to the statement.

“As a result of consolidating the growing number of Symantec procurement efforts into a single enterprise software agreement available to all DOD customers, ESI projects a minimum of $15 million in cost avoidance across [DOD] throughout the five-year term of this agreement,” said Susan Kirkland, ESI Air Force software product manager.

The agreement does not include Veritas products. The ESI is working with Symantec and GSA’s Federal Technology Service to make it a SmartBuy agreement, which would make it available to federal agencies, according to the statement.

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