Web extra: Mixed technology report card

The 9/11 Public Discourse Project recently evaluated the federal government’s progress in improving homeland security.

The 9/11 Public Discourse Project recently evaluated the federal government’s progress in carrying out the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations for improving homeland security. The government received poor or failing grades for most of the goals. Many of the worst grades, and two of the best, were in areas where information technology is crucial to implementing the recommendations.

Here are the grades:
Create a biometric entry/exit screening program (US-VISIT) B
Standardize secure credentials (Real ID Act) B-
Create a comprehensive border-screening program C
Establish a unified incident command system C
Improve explosives detection at airline screening sites C
Prepare the private sector for disasters and attacks C
Assess critical infrastructure risks and vulnerabilities D
Screen checked baggage and cargo on airplanes D
Collaborate internationally on border and document security D
Increase incentives for information sharing D
Increase the effectiveness of governmentwide information sharing D
Set guidelines for government sharing of personal information D
Improve airline passenger prescreening (Secure Flight) F
Provide adequate radio spectrum for first responders F/C*
Allocate homeland security funds based on risk F/A*

* The latter grade will be awarded if pending federal legislation passes