Johnson to head GSA's Integrated Technology Services

John Johnson came to the General Services Administration in 2000 after working in telecommunications policy and oversight positions at the Defense Department.

John Johnson will serve as the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Services acting assistant commissioner for Integrated Technology Services starting in June, when Jim Williams, who took the post in March, retires.

Williams moved into the position in March after Deidre Lee left GSA for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Williams worked in the federal government for 32 years and for nearly 20 years at GSA. He was appointed deputy commissioner for the Federal Technology Service position in July 2004. Before that, he served as acting deputy commissioner for nine months. He held various posts at GSA’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., and in several regional offices. He will retire June 3.

Johnson came to FTS in 2000 after working in telecommunications policy and oversight positions at the Defense Department. He leads the development of new network services programs while managing the FTS2001/FTS Crossover contracts, several satellite service contracts and the Federal Wireless Program. He also is involved in developing the Networx, Alliant and Satcom II contract initiatives.

“He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this job,” said GSA acting administrator David Bibb, in an e-mail announcement today about Johnson's appointment.

Johnson will begin his position June 5.