OPM revamps long-term-care insurance Web site

The Office of Personnel Management has launched a revamped Web site for the Federal Long Term Care Insurance program, the largest group long-term-care insurance program in the country.<@SM>

The Office of Personnel Management has launched a revamped Web site for the Federal Long Term Care Insurance program, the largest group long-term-care insurance program in the country.The is administered and maintained by Long Term Care Partners LLC.The revamped portal contains educational sections on long-term care and a calculator that lets employees estimate the average cost of care in 2005 for home health care, assisted-living facilities and nursing homes in their area.“The new Web site is a great tool for federal employees and annuitants, providing better access and enhanced and decision-making capabilities,” said Bob Danbeck, associate director of OPM’s Human Resources Products and Services decision. “This site is interactive, allowing eligible persons to make informed decisions regarding long-term-care insurance.”