Association recognizes gov IT leaders

Michelle Mrdeza, clerk of the House Appropriations Committee’s Homeland Security Subcommittee, received the Legislative Leadership Award for improving the management of government IT.

The Association for Federal Information Resources Management awarded its highest award, the Executive Leadership Award for Information Resources Management for 2006, today to Robert Shea, counselor to the deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget.

Shea received the recognition for his work on improving federal programs through the Program Assessment Rating Tool, a means of gauging the effectiveness of federal programs. Shea has pushed for results-based management since he was a staff member on the House Government Reform Committee in 1995 and 1996.

AFFIRM also awarded:

  • Michelle Mrdeza, clerk of the House Appropriations Committee’s Homeland Security Subcommittee, received the Legislative Leadership Award for improving the management of government IT.

  • Angela Drummond, president and chief executive officer of SiloSmashers, received the Leadership Award for Industry for coordinating challenges in improving and establishing governmentwide information technology.

  • Elaine Duke, chief procurement officer at the Homeland Security Department, received the Leadership Award in Acquisition and Procurement for improving government procurements.

  • Paul Hoffman, deputy assistant secretary at the Interior Department, and Charlie Grymes, the department's director of e-government initiatives, received the Leadership Award for Service to the Citizen for their work with the National Parks Service’s Recreation One-Stop Web site.

  • Steven Law, deputy secretary at the Labor Department, received the Leadership Award in E-Government for the department’s consecutive green ratings in the five areas of the President’s Management Agenda.

  • Thomas Modly, deputy undersecretary of Defense for financial management at the Defense Department, received the Leadership Award for Innovative Applications for managing the department’s finances and transforming its business through innovative business applications.

  • The Federal Information Security Management Act Program Office at the National Institute of Standards and Technology received the Leadership Award in Service to the Government IT Community for developing FISMA standards.

  • Adm. Thad Allen, commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, received the Leadership Award for Service to the Country for leadership through the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

  • Michael Bartell, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s chief information officer, received the Leadership Award in Service Excellence for addressing the needs of financial institutions across the country.