Energy deputy CIO to retire

Gordon Errington is leaving the agency Sept. 30, ending 33 years of government service.

Gordon Errington, deputy chief information officer at the Energy Department, plans to retire Sept. 30, capping a 33-year career in the military and federal civil service.

Errington announced his plans in an e-mail message to colleagues and friends.

He said in the message that he has enjoyed his nine years at the department and holds DOE's information technology professionals in high regard. Although he said it is hard to leave as the IT staff is about to undergo an Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76 study to determine whether a private contractor could perform the work more efficiently, "I do so knowing you all will be successful in this massive undertaking."

He is not planning to take a job at a company, he wrote, but will do some independent consulting for a few years "before actually really retiring to a sunny place."

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