USAID taps AT&T team for Web upgrade

The US Agency for International Development has issued a task order to vendor team for Web site expansion and maintenance.<@SM>

The US Agency for International Development has issued a $13 million task order to a vendor team led by AT&T Government Solutions for Web site expansion and maintenance, the company announced today.The foreign aid agency issued the task order under the blanket purchase agreement it under the Principal Resource for Information Management 3.2 contractto AT&T earlier this year. The Prime 3.2 procurement vehicle allows selected vendor teams to compete for technology task orders covering worldwide integrated communications and IT products and services. USAID also has issued BPA agreements to vendor teams under a subsequent version of the PRIME agreements known as PRIME 3.4. The PRIME contracts cover USAID, the State Department and other foreign affairs agencies.The AT&T Government Solutions USAID team includes DataPath Inc of Duluth, Ga.; Dimensions International Inc. of Alexandria, Va.; IBM Corp.; ICOR Partners LLC of Arlington, Va.; Science Applications International Corp. of San Diego; and Severn TechSources LLC, also of Arlington.The new task order is intended to improve USAID’s Web security and upgrade performance of the agency’s intranet, extranet, and Internet operations, AT&T said. The task order calls for the vendor team to improve USAID’s Web sites by implementing advanced tracking metrics and performance monitoring, the company statement said.