Web extra: Widening gulf separates acquisition, oversight

Concerns about procurement irregularities have significantly increased the level of congressional oversight.

The Professional Services Council believes there is a “large and growing chasm between the acquisition and oversight communities.” It’s a trend the council believes has emerged in recent years and continues to develop.Allegations of procurement irregularities arising from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina have significantly increased the level of congressional oversight. The most recent Congress held more than twice the number of hearings on acquisition than the previous one did.A survey conducted by the council this year showed that the workforce, “from the front line to the front office, feels more put upon and detached from the mainstream business leadership of their agencies.”Both the federal acquisition leadership and the frontline workforce continue to demonstrate a remarkable degree of tenacity and commitment to mission success, according to the survey. But as a whole, the council said the environment is tougher and more unforgiving than at any time in recent history.