IT budget request asks for increase of 3 percent to $65B

The federal IT budget would increase by about 3 percent to $65 billion under President Bush’s plan for fiscal 2008.

The federal IT budget would increase by about 3 percent to $65 billion under President Bush’s plan for fiscal 2008.The budget request, which was sent to the Hill, also names five Security Line of Business shared-services centers and details other improvements and areas of decline agencies felt last year.The IT budget’s increase is not unexpected, but the amount of the increase, up from $63.8 billion in the 2007 request and $63.5 billion in 2006, is somewhat surprising. The actual amount of 2007 funding still is undecided as Congress has yet to pass appropriations bills for a majority of the civilian agencies. A continuing resolution passed by the House keeps most funding at 2006 levels, meaning the IT increase would not be felt this year.For the Security LOB, the Office of Management and Budget named the shared-services providers for two areas.Under Security Awareness Training: Under Federal Information Security Management Act reporting:

  • Office of Personnel Management

  • State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development

  • Defense Department
  • Environmental Protection Agency

  • Justice Department.

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