Top e-gov scores remain flat in latest score card

The Smithsonian Institution and the Justice Department moved to green, but the Education and Transportation departments slid to yellow.

The Smithsonian Institution and the Justice Department moved up to green in the e-government category of the latest President’s Management Agenda Executive Branch Management Scorecard. The total number of green scores did not increase, however.Eight agencies had green e-government scores in the first quarter of fiscal 2007 and the fourth quarter of fiscal 2006. As the Smithsonian and DOJ jumped to green, the Education and Transportation departments slid to yellow, the score card shows.In all, five agencies improved and three slipped back in the category.This quarter, there were eight green scores, 12 yellow and six red. In the previous quarter, there were eight green scores, 10 yellow and eight red.The Social Security Administration dropped to red. The Agriculture and Defense departments and the Office of Personnel Management improved to yellow.A green score means an agency is implementing its initiatives as planned. Yellow shows a need for adjustments to achieve the objectives in a timely manner, and red means an initiative is in jeopardy.The score card evaluates agencies in five areas of the agenda: workforce, competitive sourcing, financial performance, e-government, and budget and performance integration.