SAIC to give IT support to ICE

The company won the task order, worth as much as $85 million, through DHS' Eagle program.

Science Applications International Corp. has won a task order worth as much as $85 million over three years to provide information technology operations and maintenance support to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau.

SAIC won the task order through the Homeland Security Department’s Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions program, a governmentwide acquisition contract launched a year ago.

Under the task order, SAIC will support more than 19,000 agents at 550 sites for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau.

The new task order will provide ICE with comprehensive IT support services that include local area network administration, hardware and software maintenance, help desk, directory and messaging services and network and security operations, SAIC said.

“This key award provides an additional SAIC service offering to ICE, and will allow us to expand our Integrated Services Management Center capabilities to DHS,” said Randy Cash, SAIC senior vice president and manager of the enterprise solutions business unit.

Alice Lipowicz writes for Washington Technology, an 1105 Government Information Group publication.

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